Update HB 1417: Passes VA House of Delegates, 83-17
On January 24 2023, HB 1417 passed the VA House of Delegates by a vote tally of 83-17. Congratulations to the VA Cigar Retailers and their customers for this impressive victory!
On January 24 2023, HB 1417 passed the VA House of Delegates by a vote tally of 83-17. Congratulations to the VA Cigar Retailers and their customers for this impressive victory!
On January 18 2023, the House Finance Committee voted 19-2 to approve and advance Delegate Lee Ware's HB 1417 (Cigar Tax Cap).
On January 16 2023, HB 1417 (Tax Cap on Cigars) passed the VA House Finance Sub-1 Committee by a vote of 8-0. The bill now goes to the full Finance Committee for a vote. Contact your Legislator and make sure they know to vote YES for HB 1417.
On Monday January 16 at 7am EST, HB 1417 (Cigar Tax Cap) will be presented and heard in Sub#1 of Finance for the House of Delegates. Take action now, and contact your Legislator so they can communicate to the members of the Sub#1. Vote Yes for HB 1417! Contact your Legislator here.
NOW is the time to bring tax fairness to Virginia for cigars! Senator Frank Ruff has introduced SB 992, which calls for a $0.30 tax cap for large cigars. This allows Virginia to better compete with the surrounding states, and ‘low cost’ alternatives. As you may know, high taxes on large cigars disproportionately impacts small family-owned cigar shops in Virginia. By supporting a $0.30 tax cap, you can help protect the rights of cigar enthusiasts. [...]
NOW is the time to bring tax fairness to Virginia for cigars! Delegate Lee Ware has introduced HB 1417, which calls for a $0.30 tax cap for large cigars. This allows Virginia to better compete with the surrounding states, and ‘low cost’ alternatives. As you may know, high taxes on large cigars disproportionately impacts small family-owned cigar shops in Virginia. By supporting a $0.30 tax cap, you can help protect the rights of cigar enthusiasts [...]
As VA Cigar Shops across the commonwealth face unprecedented challenges to survive the national pandemic, Governor Northam has decided to pile on and target VA Cigar Shops by refusing to remove a 100% cigar and pipe tobacco tax increase in his state budget. We have asked, we have offered solutions, but we are told no. We need everyone to contact the Governor now. Tell him to stop attacking VA cigar shops. Tell him no to [...]
On Friday, a House Finance Subcommittee decided to carry over and refer to a study HB 1283. This bill put restrictions in place for cigar shop locations, mandatory ABC inspections, licensing fees and significant financial penalties. No actions will take place on this bill until 2021.
On Friday, a House Finance Subcommittee decided to carry over and refer to a study HB 93 and HB 1119. Both of these bills broadly defined a flavor tobacco product, which would include most premium cigars and pipe tobacco. This action delays these bills from being considered until 2021 and brings relief to cigar retailers across the Commonwealth.
On Friday, a House Finance Subcommittee decided to carry over HB 1120 to the next year and refer the bill to a study. This action delays activity on this bill until 2021 and brings relief to cigar retailers across Virginia.